Re: Searching for a boxing manager

LOL Shrike, actually I have 44 boxers already, but I promised myself I really won't create more of them, otherwise it will be too much even for me to handle!

And yes, the best part of the game is the commentary, especially for us screen-reader users, since it indeed sounds like some radio-match-commentary, but one, whose tempo we can adjust at will, by pressing the "down arrow" key at our own chosen, desired pace.
Now should I say, that this is the 1st case I encountered so far, when using screen-reader in a game grants us, blind gamers, an actual comfort, by making match-commentaries more interesting and enjoyable, then they probably are for the sighted players, who don't play WEBL with a screen-reader...

Oh btw, back to Box 2 Glory for a minute:
There is one more inconvenience I noticed there, maybe it's also screen-reader dependent, but my NVDA fails to play match-commentaries properly there, meaning it plays only the 1st round, an d then it just...stops, and I haven't managed to find out neither the reason, nor the solution for the issue, it just refuses to proceed to round 2!
Don't know if this is always the case, but it sure happens when I challenge another boxer, start the match, after its 1st round that slider, with the already mentioned 3 parameters appears, (aggression, power, defense), then the commentary just stops, as if the screen became totally frozen, and not even changing, adjusting those 3 parameter-values helps!
I wonder if B2G match-commentaries are meant, planned to work this way, and it's just some kind of paused mode for setting the further match-strategy, (meaning the 3 parameter values), or it's really an issue with the NVDA screen-reader?

Anyway, back to WEBL, sorry Shrike, but I haven't got the slightest idea, what can cause you troubles while playing it with NVDA, as I mentioned, it has an extremely screen-reader friendly interface, very l ogically, systematically grouped, but not too many menus and options, all of them are quite obvious, and easily accessible by the screen-reader, wether you use "tabbing", or simply the "up/down direction arrows" for navigation, there are no submenus to get lost amongst I have really no clue what can cause you troubles in WEBL, it's one of the most screen-reader friendly browser game I ever least so far!
One hint: As I just said, there are not too many, well separated and grouped menues, which we actually use in the game, the 1st, and the most important is the "your gym" group, there are literarilly all the menues you need for the sheer gameplay, while the other group is "community", with some communication menues like the forum, the so called message-board, and some help files.
There are very few, 2 or 3 more menu-groups, but those are of almost no importance for the gameplay, so you can just ignore and skip those.
Normally you can use the "page up/page down" keys to cycle through the menues faster, and hopefully find the targeted one sooner, but again, there are so few of them all together, (definitely less than 25), that you won't "spare" more than 2-3 seconds with it, in case you won't "overjump" the targeted menu, lol!

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