Re: death match a new beginning v3

Honestly guys this is simply an ongoing pattern. It's disheartening that it continues to occur, but that said there's nothing and noone that will change it. If you enjoy DMNB and are disappointed in the recent events regarding its existence, just wait 3 more months. Hell... maybe 6 at most. It'll be back in some other form. If this next form doesn't get off the ground very far, at least it will get off and stay off for a short period of time. Then it will go down as have the others. But honestly I wouldn't wait around, because clearly this developer or group of developers has significant difficulties working together. Imho it's quite unethical to leave it up to one of the two people whom we can gather are the cause of drama to provide the community with updates regarding the game's status, especially when it is something as detremental as whether or not the game will remain in existence; where was the rest of this "six manned team"? We& #039;ll probably never know why this game went down for real. But having watched this topic closely for months now I can only remark upon one thing: it is not one specific person's fault that this project is down. To avoid triggering the wrath of certain "veterins" if you will of game development, I will refrain from saying this was completely unprofessional, instead stating that it should have and could have been handled and processed much better than this, and that these games and game versions are just going to become ever less popular and taken less and less seriously as they progress if the people involved cannot get their acts together. Professional team / company or not, acting and going about things like children is no way to present oneself to a community. I've done it before and all it did was make me look stupid. It's not doing much different for this development.
Bottom line, telling one another to shut up over the forum and blaming each oth er for this and that, coupled together with the head developer suddenly ducking out of existence when things got hard, makes you guys look like a joke. Seriously.
Ps. I'm sorry for all of that. I just felt like I needed to put my two-cents out for all to see. Anyways what's done is done, and this post won't change that.

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