Re: eurofly a flight audio simulator from slovakia

simba wrote:

At green gables, well, squawking 7500 or 7600 does actually nothing, that's well, to put the truth on the table, it's not really a simulator, more like an arcade style game. This doesnt mean the game is bad, just to advetise it as a flight simulation is just wrong.
Also your right, when the game was out for some weeks in english, I recorded a tower voice where I complyed with the FAA and ICEAO rules of ATC, for example I went with 1 2000 and not 12000 for example, but the tower voice wasn't taken because apparently the sound enginier had a problem with me using a realistic way of phrasing things. Well, not my problem.
I also don't understand why you constantly have to change the Squak code and not the frequency, why the tower always sets you to a different altitude, why I seam to be the only one in the airspace, and just these little things that make me, who is used to FSX flying scra tch my head, just an example, putting your aircraft in reverse, gosh, pushback exists for a reason people.
Greetings Moritz.

Completely agree with Simba here. While I'll be interested in the new version, I recently had to reformat, which meant losing everything related to FSX. Its your Plane is gone at the moment, due to Robert selling his house. His associate said that Robert plans to get everything back up and running for those of us who bought the product, and the product will stay as is. I wish that Eurofly would remove aircraft that aren't in service, such as the ambaseter aircraft. Also, planes like Cessnas do actually have an autopilot, so the first 10 missions and GA aircraft like that should have some kind of GPS and autopilot, maybe a cat2 perhaps.

While I saw the email and enjoy the fact that there will be checklists, or at least, tasks to do before takeoff, cruising altitude is not a thing in this game. Each task/mission shou ld be the equivilent of a flightplan, with a cruising altitude that won't just flucuate randomly when you get to it. If there were actual AI planes in this game flying with you, ATC should direct them, which is what actually happens, rather than you changing altitudes every few minutes due to the fact that an immaginary plane may be in front or behind you, and if you don't execute the tower's instructions a random crash event will occur.

Also, if we're talking about making this into something as realistic as possible in the future, we need to add specific behaviors for aircraft types. E.G. Cessna Skyhawk only has one engine, so hitting PGup once will start it's only engine.

While I like the idea of going to a site and finding a page with real time information of flights and the like, a further expansion to the online features is a mode that's always online where we can text chat, and basically do our tasks and pass each other and fly around while doing so. Basically, other players could be the traffic in the skies. The rules for something like Vatsim is insane. They have pilots, controllers/towers and even observers on that network. Without Its your Plane, the small number of blind people who were pilots and controllers on Vatsim are no more.

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