Re: Saying goodbye to my mac, a little help please?

With the Mac powered off, press and hold command+r while turning it on. This should cause the machine to boot into recovery mode. At this point, give it a couple minutes before pressing Command F5. VoiceOver should turn on and you can continue. In the utilities table, select disk utility and activate the continue button. In Disk Utility, erase the Macintosh HD drive. When you're done, close Disk Utility and choose the reinstall macOS option in the list of options. Go through the prompts and give it about an hour or two to download and install the system. When it comes back up, press Command F5 and VoiceOver should start speaking using Alex. You should be in the Setup Assistant. At this point, press Command Q to quit and your computer will shut down. When the new person receives your Mac, he/she should be able to power it up and set it up as if it came brand new from Apple. All your data should be erased from the disk and the macOS installation should be squeaky clean.

T he version of macOS that gets installed will depend on what version you were running. If you had Sierra, it will reinstall a new copy of Sierra. There is another form of recovery called internet recovery which will install the original system that came on the computer. Press Command Option r when booting and wait for it to load. This will take a little longer as it's going out to Apple's servers and downloading a large amount of data. I believe this only works if it detects a working install of the system on the drive with a valid wi-fi password it can use. If not, I think it will display a screen asking for your password. To my knowledge, this doesn't speak so you'll need someone with working eyeballs to help.

I hope this helps you out. If I missed something, I hope someone more knowledgeable can fill in the gaps.

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