Re: Braille: A philosophical Essay

s more of a blog post than an essay, i'n'it? tongue
Nevertheless I am in agreement.
The problems are two: braille tech is pitiful, and people in general, independent of vision, tend toward the path of least resistance.
I've said more than enough on the former point, (I'd provide links if I wasn't on mobile), so the real question is: if print is the path of least resistance for the sighted, why is it audio for the blind? I suspect this would remain the case, even with the best tactile device ever imagined +3, and personally, that's saddening. But if I'm wrong, and all we need is a magical shapeshifting touch-panel made of enchanted octopus flesh, then that'd be a nice kind of wrong to be. ... Umm, especially if this does not require killing or tormenting a ton of octopodes for research and materials. Have you ever tried to capture an octopus? Doc Oc is not living up to his namesake, I can tell you that.
P.S. I greatly appreciate the line breaks. I've noticed that blind people tend toward unformatted walls of text, which works if you're reading line-by-line with a screen reader, but in no other context whatsoever. Other contexts include reading by paragraph with the exact same screen reader because that's more efficient, reading on mobile, etc. I was kinda annoyed at all the times I'd run across sighted people complaining about walls-o-text, but then longer posts became more common around here, and holycrap you guys please press enter every now and then. I am typing this with braille screen input on iOS, and yeah, unless they fixed it in iOS 11, you can't add line breaks without going out of BSI, using the on-screen keyboard, then going back into BSI. But line breaks are totally worth it, if you ask me. And if you disagree... MBraille, or Pages, then copy/paste? I f ind doing it in the box more convenient, but yeah.

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