Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

I'd like to clear some things up, so please take a trip down wtf road with me, if you will.

First, I want to start by saying that I haven't left UKA and/or Redspot because the base was destroyed. I soloed quite often and am just as good solo as I am with a base--a base just gave us an edge when it came to fighting people like vape and chiller who would get up 350k and 5k shields, then attack everyone. This is also the case for most of our members. It's also worth note that when I was doing said dirty work, people didn't have issues. A lot of us, although not all tried to make truces and fight the bigger people; I've also lost track of how many teams have gottne started thanks to me handing them a few thousand wood. There were a lot of good points to UKA, but I can understand why people wanted them gone (and honestly I'm totally fine with it). It's worth note that despite the rumors, we never at any point cheated--I would've left before I stayed in a team that cheated. As a matter of fact, there were multiple times when people used bugs that sam refused to fix for multiple weeks to cheat. the most memorable comes after a player named Power destroyed a base that I was helping protect for someone, and I fought him. I killed him, then he returned the next day, built up and we had one hell of a fight. He won that fight, and when I ran back to base after I died and got past him, I got in while he was 230 some odd feet away. Somehow magically he was with us in the base, and we lost quite literally everything that day, as well as had to repair everything in the base because it had -750000 health. After we spent hours working on getting stuff and repelling attacks, someone impersonated a team member, somehow got on the team, got the code because we knew he didn't have the new one, walked in and took everything again. We yet again rebuilt to again have the same thing happen the next day. We had a lot, because we worke d for it and we worked pretty hard to make that happen. We were overpowered simply because people didn't band together to kill us effectively. For example, RSA together at one point had about 1.2 million hp, but they kindly stood on the base tile and let me blast them all in one go with the 400 sat bombs I'd put there for their arrival rather than learning from the last 4 times I had killed them that way. There were many people who either by cheating and many others by playing the game that managed to do an absurd amount of damage to a base. I know specifically the best I've pulled off is about 9 mil solo on another base, so it can be done and is doable.

There are multiple issues and I don't claim to know them all, but lots of people never at any point adopted their fighting strategy. Someone posted that I made a comment like feel free to break barricades because I'll just rebuild them in another thread, and that was pretty much the case, simply becaus e people did not attack in a way that would have mattered apart from those who went crazy and did some serious destruction. One specific event comes to mind; I decided that I wanted to see if I could get the player base all on one tile so I could get a huge mass kill with sat bombs. So I started a campaign called Make Redspot Great again and convinced everyone that I was leaving UKA and wanted to destroy the base, so if they could get on the base tile I'd let us all split everything from the base and I would be placing explosives until then, after which we'd set off the boom. It literally took 20 minutes trying to convince everyone to make a passage through the east side, and took two of us from UKA making the hole to get everyone together before we got the 15 person kill. This unfortunately says a lot; if I can't get the base to rally behind free stuff but they would follow through barricades once there was a hole (some didn't even get that there was a hole and died on barricades while we were all trooping through this hole), why would people be able to form up and attack the base? I spent a lot of time teaching people how to fight, and Nakon and myself specifically pretty early on even gave people tips on how to destroy or attack us and make a good fight.

So, long story short the game is getting pretty old fast. Add to this the vast amount of bugs, issues like people droppping sandbags on islands to prevent people from getting up there, and a player base who seems like they'll do quite literally anything to get ahead and are happy to throw a good fight out the window and the game loses its appeal. The lag isn't an issue so much as it's that everyone will use it to their advantage. The newbie shield isn't an issue so much as people will find every possible way to get around it, from dieing and retrieving their corpses so their timer resets to using it to come after barricades, and if it takes weeks to get updates on systems that are used to cheat larger teams out of things, my hopes aren't high that many of these will be fixed in a timely order. There are so many simple things that can be done to make the game a better place; from small things like not putting out corrupt fzip files that someone has to get another program to fix to displaying a message that the user needs to update their client so people don't think they got a ban because they can't connect, piled on top of an absurd amount of bugs that make this game no fun.

It's been a fun ride, thanks all for the fun; it was also cool being able to admin and help some of the players. UKA will go down as the unkickable asses unfortunately and not in a blaze of glory as we'd all hoped.

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