Re: Light Battles 1: Clash of Lightsabers

Here are my suggestions to make the game a bit more realistic.

1. Change trainee to initiate or youngling, either one works, and fight against another Jedi initiate (not a sith) with training sabers, which are regular light sabers with a magnetic field around the blade, which can still make shallow cuts and light burns; you could put an effect on the sound.
2. Change apprentice to Padawan, and deflect blaster bolts back at a platoon of storm troopers or battle droids instead of dueling a Sith.
3. Change Sith knight to Sith apprentice.

Here is my reasoning.
1. Younglings aren't ready to fight outside the Jedi temple until they are at least around 13 or 14, often later, until then, they practice the 3 types of force, and the 7 types of light saber style, as soon as they are old enough that is, around 9 or 10, and they use the training sabers, because they need to go on a quest for a crystal to make their own full power version, which is a major part of the test to become a Padawan.
2. A Padawan would never be expected to face a full fledged Sith lord unless their mentor was for some reason unable to do so, or their was absolutely no other choice, they just aren't skilled enough, with the exception of only a few very famous ones, so they are much more likely to be used as a distraction, lookout, backup etc (plus you wanted to add storm troopers anyway...
3. Sith have a thing called the rule of two, starting back with the very first star wars movie and continuing on, which states that their shall always be only 1 master and 1 apprentice, 1 to embody the dark side of the force, and the other to crave it; that means that Jedi have three unit types, and Sith only have two, hence the storm troopers or battle droids.

I got all my info from the amusingly named wookieepedia which is the official star wars wiki.

On another note, I think it would be cool if closing menus made the saber sheath sound, since opening makes the saber draw sound.

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