iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

Hi all,
Remember a while back, I mentioned that A Dark Room would be getting an update that adds accessibility?
Well, it's released, and what an update it is!
Make sure you turn on voiceover hints, as some of the things rely on it.
For those who don't know this game has lotsto offer. You have to build a village, on the surface, but there's also a bit more to it. It just keeps unlocking and unlocking things to be honest.
When you first start it up now, it will tell you about accessibility mode being enabled, and then there's now a help button. The help button is really nice, because it's dynamic. It tells you the layout of the screen, but in the fassion that allows you to explore. Ther's no manual here, but things do happen. For instance, you might here something like, Need to gather wood, the forest beckons. So you then have to go to the forest and gather wood, which will reveal an alert which may or may not give you a hint or a little more story advancement.
Is there much of a story? I don't know as I haven't beaten the game yet, but there are lots of things to unlock as you play.
Now, remember that nothing will be handed to you so to speak. I've come up with a way to describe the game, and that is:
progress for progress, so, you make progress, and the game adds things for you. You build something, you gather things, the game will advance for you.
You just sit there and nothing will happen, that room will become dark. Keep that room warm if you can.
@dark: I really think you should give this a try, as I believe it meets the database guidelines. I've been playing for way more than an hour now and I'm still unlocking stuff!


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