Re: The history of audiogames

The first games I remember playing were with my dad, who is also blind, on a UK website, which had audio in the name but I can't remember it now, and no it wasn't this one.
I was less than five at the time so it's fuzzy, but either there was a packman game on the site, or he was playing the PCS games version of packman, though this would be before 2001, so I'm not sure if it was out yet.
I believe he was using jaws though, on a Dell, so I don't think it was Dos, it was probably win 95.

The first game I played with him was called Mobius mountain, an audio game for kids where you would roll dice and walk that many steps up said mountain (I think their were also basic math questions involved?)
Next was talking typing teacher, which really is just a series of games, and a few kid friendly sound matching type things that I forget the names of, accept for banjo buster, which was awesome at the time.

Then I started playing Jim kitchen's monopoly with him, back when their was no board maker or extra boards.

After that, the first games I played on my own were trucker and mock 1, I was probably like 7 or 8 by now, as well as casino and star mule which I sucked at, with the speakers turned down super low, when my dad wasn't paying attention, it was the height of heart pounding excitement because I would have gotten in lots of trouble obviously, lol

Next it was super shot and the still excellent sonic invaders, which me and my dad would take turns playing, now on my own computer, I was about 10, only supervised access to the internet and no headphones only stereo speakers though :-)
I also started to understand enough to play Golf, as well as baseball and football, which was pretty fun, even though I honestly had no idea what the hell was going on or what the different actions meant, just that some worked sometimes, and didn't at other times.
I remember Microsoft Mike was my favorite announcer and the L&H voices were skin crawlingly awful, especially the guy, still are IMO...

When I went to summer camp one year a pair of bad influences let me play Spanker on their school laptop, which was simultaneously amusing and a let down, and while I don't remember how old I was, I do remember that Entombed had just very recently come out, as they had that too and I remember being grossed out and also intrigued when they told me about the corpse step sounds. How scandalous right? (Yeah, I was a pretty sheltered kid)...) rofl

Not much changed for a while until on a whim my dad decided to try out Super Liam because of everything he had been hearing on and podcasts and such.
He really liked it even though he didn't play it much, though for the first few days I barely got to play from what I remember, because he was...
I remember being as annoyed as any little kid can be because he started it up the first time without reading the documentation, and no other game he had played before that used control instead of space for fire, so he died to the first enemy like 10 times, until we both just laughed and let it happen every time.
That's when I finally read the documentation, after he gave up like a dork, and then we had another round of laughign when I found the first monkey.
I could never beat that game, partly because the fire and fan death sounds scared the ever loving shit out of me so I slowly tiptoed on those levels to avoid it and as a result always ran out of time on the bosses. lol

After this intro to more complicated arcade games, I started playing Top speed multiplayer with my dad after he got a laptop for work, which also meant he could play allot less, but it was pretty awesome, even though this was back when their were only like 5 cars.
Since I was playing that, I also discovered light cars, and subsequently the horse racing game (amazing because it was my first map creator even though I didn't understand coordinates yet) and my dad discovered light locator which I wasn't aloud to play because muh nuclear bombs or something.
I also blasted the GMA tank commander demo when everyone was out because it was fucking awesome, but I wasn't aloud to play it because of the screaming from the intelligence bases when you destroy them, which my mom accidentally overheard. shit...

Next is when I started playing Grizzly Gulch, after some arguing with my mom about the gun play, mostly because my dad wanted it for him self because of the audio demo lol.
Super deekout and pipe 2 were next, now I was about 12, and my restrictions weren't so tight, probably because I hadn't shot up my school with a six shooter screaming reach for the sky, this hear's a robbery! after being exposed to such violence yet, but probably more because my mom just didn't really give a crap about games.
It was pretty great, I was getting new games every Christmas and birthday if possible... I hadn't discovered cracking yet. tongue

I also got rail racer one, lonewolf, which I sucked at, and SCW when I was around 11 and 12 and spent hours on that shit.
Played some pack man as well but I wasn't any good, I was better at super dog's bone hunt, egg hunt, and the great toy robbery.
I loved dark destroyer though, and I was actually pretty good at it too, even played it with my sighted sort of but not really half sister who moved in around then.
This is when I started being able to use headphones, partly because my mom put parental controls on the internet and my computer had broken a while ago so I was using hers, so I got away with playing shit like the judgement day demo.

This is when I started talking to Dranelement.
He hooked me up with all sorts of cracks, (he doesn't really do that any more though) so I got to play all these games I didn't have access to previously, like all the pinball games, which was awesome.
When I finally got to visit him, he also showed me MUDS, with the first one I played being god wars II, weird intro to the category I know, LOL.
He also showed me mainstream games, which I had heard about since I was little, but hadn't played do to most of them being too violent for my mom and me not thinking it was possible.
I remember when I was 10 or so a blind friend told me about how he could play mortal kombat, but I never really believed him, just thought he was messing around not really getting anything done and just a fan of the idea.
But Dranelement, Assault Freak, and DD taught me how to play super street fighter 4 and later MK9, which was amind blowing.
It was very hard to tell where everything was coming from and which character you were at first, still kind of is though that's not a problem now with headphones, and the sounds were so big and cinematic, making the hole thing just overwhelming, plus I had never used a controller before, but once I got a bit of a foothold I was able to hold my own, mostly by spamming but hey, it's a time honored noob tactic. lol

After that I basically just played what ever took my fancy, Q9, Troop 2, those two mostly at school, no idea how I got caught so little with those being so action heavy, eventually Swamp and RTR, and the rest is history.

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