Re: Dragonflame 0.3a is out!

Hi Ethin,
See my answers below.

Ethin wrote:

You must know assembly language. For instance, you must know what a very simple program is in assembly language.

Incorrect. Assembly knowledge is not necessary, not for all compilation types. For bytecode compilers it is certainly not a requirement. For native code, it depends on whether you'd like to write a better compiler than industry standards, such as GCC on linux. If yes, I wish you good luck! If not, optimised assembly will work just as fine.

Ethin wrote:

If you want to write a compiler, you must know what the following assembly source does

I see your -S switch works great when using GCC! I assure you, that you need a far better knowledge if you'd like to write a native compiler in pure assembly. GCC output can be quite unoptimised, see the debug symbols GCC just included in your code. smile

Ethin wrote:

You cannot convert source code to assembly language in lua.

Incorrect, again. See this page, which is a line-based Lua VM opcode assembler.

Ethin wrote:

You must know another high level language like C, C++, fortran, go, objective C, objective C++ or ada. This is a definite requirement.

A very nice list of what GCC can compile indeed!, but there are other capable languages as well.

Ethin wrote:

Maybe GNU bison would be another, better choice?

GNU bison is a parser generator, for parsable, mainly interpreted languages. It has nothing to do with machine code. Note, Bytecode does n ot equal machinecode!

Ethin wrote:

You should study these things before even thinking about writing a compiler.

What makes you think that I haven't done so? Please do explain, because I am really interested how you managed to draw this conclusion.

While I appreciate your help, your tone really does not justify it - to me, it rather sounds like instructions from someone who has a bit of knowledge, which certainly would not be sufficient to create a compiler. And of course we know the saying: little knowledge is worse than having no knowledge.



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