Re: Skullgirls / 2D fighting games advice for a complete beginner

The last questions:
1: I've never had the controller vibrate when playing Skullgirls, I don't think its supported unfortunately.

2: I don't think its impossible to beat sighted players online. I think higher level competitive play would not be possible, but I think online play in general could be doable. If you try it, keep in mind that initially you will be ranked against random players that don't match your skill level so you may be obliterated regardless.

For tips:
Don't attempt to play as a team of two or three first. Learn the game mechanics and how a single character plays, then branch out. Play through that character's tutorial and a story/some arcade modes on normal to learn how the flow of the game works.
If you are stuck with any tutorial section, you can play the game and come back to it later. Playing the game will most likely help you learn enough to get through it.
Don't just throw out attacks randomly. A lot of them leave you slow to recover after hitting or being blocked randomly so your opponent can hit you with a faster attack and combo you.

Learn what the notations mean and practice using them a lot:

  • lp, mp, hp: light punch, medium punch, heavy punch

  • lk, mk, hk: light kick, medium kick, heavy kick.

  • qcf, qcb: quarter circle forward (down, down forward, forward) quarter circle back (down, down back, back)

  • dp (dragon punch): forward, down forward, forward

  • Charge motion: For parasoul for example, for her napalm shots you have to hold back for a set amount of time, then quickly hit forward and a punch.

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