Switching to android for iOs?

When support my phone, iPhone se ends, I think about switching to android, but my friend told me she was having serious problems with talkback. For example, if someone sends her a link on whats app, talkback wouldn't read it, and it would begin to speak whenever she tries to send voice messages. She has low vision and she uses talkback to just read messages that are written. And she told me talkback wouldn't read google chrome very well. I got feedback from two other friends. One of them told me it was fine and the other of them told me google chrome would work well with talkback if I get used to it. My first friend who has negative experience uses a Samsung Galaxy s4 mini and android 5.1. One of my other friends who ha s positive experience  uses a general mobile with android 6 or so I can't remember right now.
The reason I wanted to switch is I am tired of apple's restrictions and the stupid bugs that come after each major update. I think apple slowly began to get bad after Steve Jobs died. I don't want to offend anyone who uses iPhone like me and likes it. I know that it is accessible and fast. I will already switch to Android after support for iPhone se ends as I told above.
Sorry for the very long post, I just want your feedback with talkback. And if you can recommend me models or brands it would appreciated as well.
Thank you

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