Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

*A few SPOILERS here*

    Err, actually there's one section near the end where I think the enemies don't scale and are sort of set around lv 25-30.  So if you didn't properly get up to that level at that point, most likely the enemies will outrun and slash your entire party's face in.  As a test, you meet this group in a scripted event with the largest group of them as a barrier to entry.  So if they kick your face in, it might be time to grind.  Granted, if you get to a point where you can easily kill them all in one turn, they make hilarious grinding targets for levels and gold until lv 40.

    Also I'm not sure we can say the game is unbalanced skill wise if you gotten up that high to the point the game doesn't rebalance itself with stronger enemies.  Sort of reminds me of the people who said the Pokémon games were too easy despite them being 15 levels higher than most of the challenges, and why most fan games tend to level lock you from section to section.  Granted, I find sneak attack's mechanics weird where one can probably neglect agility for more and more damage for that attack as it makes you go first.  Add in master plan for the party wide speed buff and well.  If there was a way to rebalance it, maybe have the accuracy of sneak attack horrid with anything over light, so we don't have people crashing into mobs with twin warhammers for massive damage. 

     On another note, has anyone made any of the party members learn unusual attacks for their class yet?  I haven't seen simon get any options for ranged attacks, and I'm starting to think the bandit assassin class of enemies are thief archers.  Same goes for Matthias, who hasn't learned much after volley, and has around 25 points for skills stored.  You'd think he'd get aimed shot or the like at some point.

    I'm going to assume there's nothing that potentially pops up at the post game, other than hearing everyone's reactions after the final boss fight around town.  Still curious what to do with the pickaxe from reunited, and if what Wilhelm said about something being found in the mines meant something was hidden deep in the area.  Also, why Wilhelm isn't seen patrolling the town after changing of the guard, thought the quest complete text for that mentioned to talk to him while he's patrolling.

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