does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

i have a question, maybe that thing is coming to blind people.
before asking, i will explane. i am blind, but learning in a standart school with sited pupils. but i also was at the (if i saying it correctly in english, children garden) with the sited pupils.
i was in 3 schools, and 5 children gardens. because in israel more schools has 2 parts: 1 school starting from grade 1, and finishes with grade 6. after that the pupils going to another school. it not conects with the first one, so they must search a new school to grade 7, which in hebrew cold: the first school is "yesodi", and the second is "hativat beynayim." and from grade 9 to grade 12 it's cold "tihon/tichon."
i explaning that because the topic will talk about the next part of the explaning.
in the children garden, and in the yesodi, and now in the hativat beynayim i am feeling that i love the teacher. not like the pupil loves his teacher, but more than a t eacher. thinking about her, talking about her, writing about her and etc. also singing about her. i'm ofcorce not loving a teacher which is a boy, but girl. i mean man and woman.
for example: in one children garden i loved orian. i don't know how to say in english this person who works with children in the children garden insted a teacher in the school.
in grade 1, i loved liron, our teacher.
in grade 2 i loved mimi, also a teacher. one pupil said to her "mimi moo moo."
from grade 3 to grade 6, i loved tova, our science teacher. in grade 6, i loved aliza, tova, eynav and some others.
in grade 7 for a short time i loved my math teacher, naama. she was the yungest teacher in the school i think. she was 22 years old and had a small voice. the day before the final day of the school, i hugged her.
and now in grade 8, i love reviva, our history teacher. one of the rizens is that she understand my strong beleeving in jesus christ. she is a jew, and i don't know if she beleeves in god or not. but sure that she doesn't beleeving in jesus. so, i want to talk to her in the brakes about him (jesus), and i hope one day she will start beleev, if the lord will want me to do that. every day when i praying, i asking the lord also to bless her and her day, from the time when she wakes up, and to the time when she goes to sleep.
we are the pupils can talk to our teachers on the brakes at any subjects which we would like. i don't know how it is in other countryes and also in america, but that thing is in israel. on the last year she walked with us on the trip to the dormition church, which located at the zion mounten. it is a catholic church. but because of that, she teached us about jesus and paul something that i don't thing is wright, she must to not the wright things.
she said that paul did the christian religen like catholics and etc. she also said the peter was the first holy father of the cat holic church. i mean the pope. it is not wright. and she also said that jesus not mend to be a messiah, but only paul brought that idea. but jesus said that more times in the gosple of john.
and peter wasn't the first pope.
also, that things in crhstianity, which sais that you can eat pigs, you don't must to keap the sabath was invented only in 325. you know what was in the year of 325.
the first church was a sect in the jewdaizm, which was jews-christians. they were like the messianic jews today. they did the holydays and the traditions of the jewdaizm, and only the thing which was a difrent that they beleeving in jesus christ as a son of god, and a messiah.
the messianic jews today are like the jews-christians of the first century.
so i think reviva told some wrong things about jesus. i wanted in the moment jump from my chair and shout: "reviva, you are wrong! jesus ment to be a messiah, and he is a messiah! he, would, come, at, the, second, time!" and etc.
but i loving her. and want her to find the way, the trooth and the life. (john 14: 6.)
do you beleev in that, the god can do somethings without doctors, that we are the blind people can see?
i beleev that will come one day, and i will see, i will have a tees (i am not have a tees) and another phisical problems will be solved, because the lord will do that.
we are going off-topic, but reply to me to the question if you beleev in that.
i love reviva also because of her low voice.
the second question on topic is (the topic will talk about that): does anybody els feels that he love his teacher?
and maybe we are the blind people (which i hope the lord will heel everybody who beleev in jesus one day), maybe we are a blind pupils loving his teacher?
i mean, how i loving reviva maybe also anybody here loving his teacher.
i am thinking about her and 2 times dremead about her.


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