Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

Like many, my first exposure to Japanies culture in some asspect was through Anime, or mentions of samurai in various types of media. However recently, i began to heavily study the culture of Japan, and listen to other American's experiences on what it was like to live in Japan. Yes i know, culture shock would probably be a big thing to overcome, as well as learning the language. However, i have thought of going to the country to study the language, and use it by interacting with the people. This plan of mine is all theoretical at this point, and i have not taken any action to further this line of thinking as of yet. I completely understand that money will be an issue. If anyone knows of any grants, or blind organizations who support trips to Japan in any form please let me know. I am also aware that the culture is very traditional, and many of the phillisophical beliefs that the culture holds will take adapting to. In other words, Anime isn't seen in the same light as i t is here in America. But i would truely like to learn more about the culture, tour the big cities, and ride the bullet train. Any thoughts, anyone want to talk me out of it and give me a dose of reality, lol. Any comments welcome.


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