Re: SoundRTS

@milos nop, this is the wrong place to check that.

At the main soundRTS branch, the creator only work at engine features, like more options to manage your army, like the suggestions of @拓海 and @zakc93, more options to have more programmatically posibilities to the campaigns, rules or maps, more features for the terrain, improve the UI, etc.

The content itself, is labor of some content creator, like pragma, the developer of blitzcrieg, or you.

@拓海 respect to your point, yep, is a interesting option. In other RTS, when you have a unit in offensive mode, the unit if have a enemy in your sight rank, but not fire rank, it automatically moves to get fire rank to try fire to the target. And if the target moves, automatically again try to reach the fire rank. Because that, the units have a mode called "fix mode" that is for units defending points. The units don't move to reach fire rank. only fires if a enemy enter to their fire rank, but not move to try catch it. The ofensive mode is the default behavior.
because that, fasts unit are good to catch enemies, because they can't scape of them. But for example, a slow unit, can follow faster attackers. The only think that i can't remember, if when a unit abandon it's point to follow a enemy, after loss or neutralise the enemy, the unit keep at the last point that it moved, or return to the previous asigned point.

Of course you have to have on mind, that with this behabior, the units can be traped. A enemi come to the sight rank of a unit, and get to the enemi move to its possision and next, move to put the enemi on a posission that various of your unit can destroi the enemy that follow your trap.


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