Re: Why Must People Crack Games

Hi all.
Well, what to say.
I have been keeping out of the current arguments on here because they are heavy even for a small time pirate like me.
This is approaching nuke war level though.
As for different situations, well shit, there is that issue.
If there are give aways and such cool, maybe if I get spare cash I may try with a group, it would certainly pull the community together though I never understood the numbers game on ahc.
Now as to brain station I was going to buy it but now I wander if I should bother buying when I could try to play a game to buy it first, ofcause if I don't win I will buy it but playing a game to buy a game reminds me of some of the older games I played with friends.
To unlock each level of one flying game you would have to play a small game or a puzzle to confirm you owned the game.
And that was quite good for what it was and I enjoyed it a lot.
As for people affording stuff, the reason I spend my cash like I do is that I live at home, but once I leave, I'm going to have to really save, that means, I'm not going to get everything all the time like I do right now.
Thats life, a thing I will live with.
I object to the fact people think wanting things free means cracking them though.
As for a screen reader, would you leave your cane or guide dog at home.
It is a right for us to be able to enjoy life as much as we can and at least try to be as accessible as we can for our work.
I wouldn't say its an entitlement but things like canes, guide dogs, and in todays age, a screen reader, magnification, a phone or tablet of some sort, and a computer of some sort are needed.
In business, that is also ms office, windows, and sadly yucky norton which a lot of my friends use.
Right, Well while I wouldn't say you are entitled to get everything for free because you are blind it is your right as a blind person to get access where ever possible to have a full life and that that is protected.
If you break that down that could be a screen reader.
Sadly the low competitions in the industry is really low.
Because traditionally governments and accessibility organisations handled a lot of this for education purposes, the industry sort of came up to expect enterprise things.
Jaws for example is pritty much an enterprise product similar to say office pro pluss.
Its really for a business.
There are slightly cheaper products, supernova may be one of them window eyes well did both all were for enterprise companies.
So what has changed, well opensource and freeware and freedom of things have started to make those question the establishment.
So right now its opensource and cracking all the way but while thats a backlash from the users what really has to happen is the seperation of the business from the home user.
Jaws for what it does is good in its job, screen readers and access tools that use their own drivers for various things are still good I still use vary little now supernova for a few things.
However while office apps and business things are cool, things like net brousing, email, and home stuff are in my opinion secondary things.
Nvda relies fully on the os and its library and while there are a few things I still use other readers for the fact that 99.9% of every program has a web component is well where nvda handles well.
Even with this, and I am no expert, someone or a few more someones need to get either big enough to get competition moving or someone is going to have to make a move against vfo and its companies.
They are just to big for their own good, in fact bar dolphin they are basically the only big company in the braill and access business with a few smaller on the side.
Competition is non existant so you can  do what you want.
I would not be an advocate to get rid of compercial access programs like screenreaders, after all those expensive things do have a place in the business world.
When you are a home user like me, you may use office, for business related things, word processer, and spreadsheat.
You may use something else for email and web brousing.
You may game, and you most of all will play music, read books and the like.
For me while My testing job does need me to read documents on jarte, I spend 50% of my time on my web brouser and mail combined, 10% of the time in games and the rest on my music players of choice or on an on demand stream.
Lets face it, home users are not even conciddered here when it comes to their needs with some of this software.
The average home user can't afford a top of the line box, or the best car.
So we can't afford the top of the line screenreader.
Sadly, its not like we have much choice.
We have 3 readers.
1 is free and is fine.
Another dolphins one could be midrange its about 1000 dollars which while a bit steep is at least affordable if you update every 5 or so years.
Then we have jaws.
When I got that that was 3000 plus for jaws and a training package and an sma.
And when I had to upgrade to a pro version of windows that was another 2000 for no extra features to me the user.
You also have to pay for extra modules and scripts in some cases which again is fine if I was in a business, businesses have to pay module by module sometimes.
That model does not work for a home user though and this is the issue.
As for those that are thinking they are entitled to get everything for free what is everything.
Because I am blind I am entitled to, my rights.
Break that down and I am entitled to a job, will I get it, well what chance do others what are abled to have one and what are my chances due to speed and the like maybe slightly less but whatever.
I am entitled to enjoy my life as much as I can with limits.
I am entitled to accessibility.
There are groups so in my case a screen reader is something I am entitled to, a cane is something I am entitled to.
Just because I am entitled to everything doesn't mean I will get it.
Well if you are a kid the government gives you everything.
That continues through school, they ease off at highschool, and at university while you have assistance they ease off more.
If you then hit the business ladder you are helped a bit to.
That assumes ofcause you even get that far.
Even in new zealand, a western corruption free country where I can probably tick off most of my entitlements and rights off the list, I am still in the normal cue of life.
I fell into that trap before.
I expected to be handed things.
I had the same chance in the end as everyone else, I didn't make it though I tried.
In other countries depending where you are, say malasure, from reading a blind magazine, you certainly don't get everything on that list, in fact you get less, a lot less.
Even if you are entitled something for free doesn't mean you will get it.
And even if thats your right it still doesn't mean you get it.
You need to ask for it.
And even if you ask you may not get.
Then you need to ask, is it important to you and why.
There are ways say for a job or service that if you ask and don't get that if you think you should and arn't you can do something about it.
If its because everyone has it, then you may not actually need or want it a few seconds later.
I do think we need to start shutting this down.
It is clear that there are dissagreements in the forum and community, thats not going to change.
Thats in fact normal in any community, there are people I don't like in the community, that to will not change.
This thread is approaching world war 3 proportions.
So what will happen in the next few days is this.
Flame, flame, flame, a lot of people are banned.
Rules changed and suddenly it becomes worse for users not better.
Descussions like this, gone down the toilet.
A load of people bitch and moan and then leave.
More trouble later on and sooner or later it restarts.
This has been a good opener, it shows all devs what we feel but then, the big mega companies we are talking about have no interest in talking or listening to us users.
They certainly will not care about this place.
And they are to big for us to take on alone.
That may change at some point in the future as the industry gets bigger and better, but the time for end game isn't quite on us just yet.
And its fair to say that the users may not actually end them.
Eventually things will regulate themselves.
One thing before I go, your average user driven software package, free, opensource or low cost is probably developing faster than your comercial one, so for those that like me want to contribute to the big fight support those you use a lot.
And if one of the bigger companies needs support and feadback do that to, eventually they will listen, well most of them may.
As for the latter.
If you are in the position, either law wize or if you think you can get away for it, fight the system like I did.
But remember, getting caught is not an option and taking a big risk all the time is not an option.
As a teen fine but get past that and well.
You may find your sweet spot you may not.
Just remember that being bad all the time while a good first starter is not good in the long run.
I'd also at this point like to thank the moderators of this forum for keeping this thread as it is and letting users talk as users.
I have seen communitties either side with the big corperations or something else maybe themselves but hardly ever the users.
The reason a lot of this cracking goes on is that the users can feel at times that we as users have no voice and or no one is listening to us.
I will continue to lerk now.

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