Re: Braillemon status update!

Microsoft Anna is most likely the only 64 bit voice on your system, and windows only looks for 64 bit voices by default.

You can get to your other voices by using this command.
Open your run command from the start menu and paste this into the box that appears.


This will bring up the 32 bit speach control pannel where you can select another voice.
Keep in mind that if you go to the speach control pannel or start narator you will have to access the 32 bit version again to make your changes, so you might want to make a shortcut to the file above if you plan on changing voices a lot.

I good free alturnative to ana is espeak, but you might be able to find other voices out their.
If you have JAWS 8 or 9 or openbook 8, you hav a CD that has some realspeak sapi 5 voices on it.

URL: 4#p161634

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