Re: Christianity or Islam

Hi all.
From the looks of it, you look like you are stuck and you need someone to guide you.
To be honest I've seen more than one topic for you talking about something you need help with, if it is something related where should you spend the rest of your life or something like that, but anyways, this is not the reason I am writing this post.
Let me say first that I am a Muslim, and I am not 100% religious.
I live in a country that considers Islam is the main religion here.
If you asked me about this a few years back, you'd find me saying something totally different than what I am going to say now.
This is mainly because I have visited some countries that has other cultures like Dubai and Kuwait.
After I went to those places and known a few people from there, I've learned how to respect other beliefs, and the people who are believing in those beliefs.
My point of view regarding my own religion didn't change of course, it is just that I've learned how to simply respect others who has a religion that is so different from mine or even if he is following Islam but he still following an other faction in Islam.
If you ask me before this change in my life, I would bring you the hole pages of our holy book and tell you dude come on, it's the write way and there is no other true way other than folloing Islam, so you either you have to follow it, or now since you now know about it and you don't want to follow it, you're going to hell in the afterlife.
But in all honesty, I am telling you something totally different now, follow the path that you feel more comfortable with.
You are saying that you feel that Christianity has something close to you, and Islam is the same.
I think that that is true to some extent, but still there should be something that is more closer to you than the other one.
You stated that you feel even more closer to Christianity in a post that I can't remember its number, so if you feel closer that way so go for it.
Remember is that this choice you are making it for yourself and not for someone else.
No one is going to judge you why you did this or that, except for god, that's if you went with either Christianity or Islam.
I don't know how it works in other beliefs.
So in short, go with what ever you feel more comfortable with, and if someone judges you for it, it is simply not their right.
If you are a Christian or Muslim, trust me it is not going to effect anyone else's life other than yours, so if someone starts talking to you like why you are following this religion and not that one, be careful that you are following the wrong way etc etc etc, you can tell them that you do feel more yourself when you are go this way.
A Christian will tell you follow my way because it is the true path, and a Muslim will tell you exactly the same.
So it is really up to you if you want to choose this or that, in my personal point of view, a religion isn't something I judge a person with, I judge the person with the amount of respect he or she is showing me, and my relation of that person in general.
I know I have talked about my self more than enough, but I am trying to make a point that you should follow what ever you feel yourself in, and no one has right to judge you based on what religion you believe in.

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