Re: Bookworms: what are you reading/listening to?

@Flacus, tad williams is one of my favourite authors ever! I'd be hard put to say whether I think Memory sorrow and Thorn or Otherland is the better series, I love both of them equally and have read Otherland three times and ms&t twice. I can't wait to  onto his recent series set in the same world, albeit I think its set a good bit later.

I particularly love how in Ms&t he manages to play with your expectations and use all the fantasy cliches in a really random and roundabout way, heck he even has a fifteen year old couple who both sort of act  both of whom you slightly want to slap on occasion, but both of whom you really want to see get together, damnit I want to reread that series now big_smile.

Shadowmarch I enjoyed, though imho it wasn't quite as good as Memory sorrow and thorn, and I've enjoyed each of his stand alone books, war of the flowers, ()imagine steampunk fairies), Tale chaser's song (wonderful if you like cats), caliban's hour (great whether your a shakespear fan or not), and child of an ancient city. The only stuff of williams I didn't like were his bobby dollar urban fantasy series.
Well the second book, happy hour in hell had it's moments, but that is more because Tad williams writing hell was so uniquely nasty it couldn't be belived. Unfortunately the plot and characters, ----- mmmm less so, then again with only one or two exceptions urban fantasy has been less my thing over all.

@Orko My lady loves! the wheel of time and is rereading it slowly again right now, since someone is doing a first time report and read over on indeed  I bought her an Aessidai great serpent ring in sterling silver and a green aja pendent for christmas last year.
I enjoyed the series, albeit books 6-10 were quite the slog though it did really pickup towards the end.

As regards Stormlight, book 3 is actually out. it's called Oathbringer and my lady and I are reading through it together right now, we're about 21 hours in. It's pretty awesome, particularly since it deals with dalinar's past (so some surprises there), as well  giving answers to a lot of questions from the first book, though I will say as is usual with stormlight it is pretty bloody grim big_smile. Also note that you really do need to have read the novella edge dancer which is in Sanderson's collection Arcanum unbounded before going on to Oathbringer since that explains two characters who are fairly major in the story.

For me, at the moment my lady and I are reading Oathbringer togehter as I said.
I've just finished Throy by Jack vance, last of his Cadwal chronicles trilogy, an sf series set around a planet which is like a wildlife preserve and all the politics and shenanigans, not to mention a good look at lots of different random alien worlds.
I did not! enjoy this, indeed how such a good trilogy could have such a dire ending I don't know, but as I often do I've written up a review which should be posted on quite soon, along with my reviews of the first two books in that series.

For myself I'm at the moment going through some of the doctor who short trips collections from big finish.
I've had these for quite some time, but haven't read them, I don't know why.

They are actually extremely good! short stories are wonderful for random sf/fantasy or horror settings, and when your dealing with Doctor who with characters you know and who can go anywhere, they can do some pretty unique things, especially since the short trips stuff tend to be much more at the speculative end of things.

When I finish this I'm not sure what I'll embark onto next,  my choice these days is also at least partly dictated by what I want to write reviews for.

i'm tempted to reread Steven King's the stand, which I've been meaning to do for a long while as I haven't read it since I was 17, my lady has also recommended a paranormal fantasy set around an art academy called roses and wrot which I need to look into.
I'm also tempted to go along with my project of rereading and reviewing soem books by Anne McCaffry, though of course if I want something darker and more adult I also have The Healer's war by Elizabeth anne Scarborough, on my immediate list.

We'll see, though I am very happy doing the doctor who short trips at the second.
So many good books, so little time big_smile.

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