Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

At some point there will be tri-form arches to the premium area in each town and city in the starting world. I'm still waiting for details from Amazon about when I can release the new stuff and if it requires certification.

There is, indeed, a Mezoamerican region. It is called Yucatan, and it's an almost-island, only accessible by a narrow land bridge and by ferry. Head for 4 degrees 20 minutes South latitude and 7 degrees 16 minutes East longitude when you are in Enuma Elish.

To address your balance concerns, I've tweaked the system where monsters are assigned challenge ratings. Before it assigned, say, challenge rating 5 if an average group of those monsters would defeat a part of level 5 about 50% of the time. Upon reflection, prompted by your comments, I've moved that to somewhere around 30-40%, which seems more reasonable. When the next release comes out, let me know if you think it's made a difference.

And we just fought some Bugbears in the face-to-face D&D game I play and I thought the DM had his finger on the scales. But when I looked them up I found they really did do 2d8 damage. So I agree, they hurt!

I've just finished an internal re-vamp of the combat system. If I've done things right, there will be no obvious change. Rather the effort was to introduce the capability for there to be "monsters" on the player's side. I did a test run and created the sword "Stormbringer" which has a 20% chance of summoning a minor demon to fight for its wielder on every hit. This should allow for some fun things!

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