Re: future of Bavisoft games

To answer the question more fully about what happens after Murderin'' Sam, here's what happens. As was already said, you immediately get sent out to get Skeeter, the black jack dealer. If you succeed, the game abruptly ends. If you fail, you get sent back to the marshall's office to try again. You don't have to go get Murderin' Sam all over again if you've already succeeded in doing so. However, there is no way you're keeping the $5000 reward. After the failed attempt to get Skeeter, the marshall will ask if you want to try again, and you can say no and go play in the salloon till you're ready. When you next go to the marshall's office, you're immediately on your way to Skeeter's without a chance to accept or refuse.
The GG salloon is my favorite place in a game to just go hang out when I want to do something mindless though I'm not usually doing the shell game. LOL! I usually have a player that never fights bad guys besides those in the bank, and I love shooting innocents at times. LOL! Do note that, if you're going to shoot innocents, don't have any money in your bank account, or Cecil will take it in revenge. LOL! GG was the first game I bought, and I'll always have a huge nostalgic soft spot for it.
As for Chillingham, I enjoyed all except the multiple bug trips. That got way too repetitive, and I could have done without half of those. I enjoyed the other puzzles, but not the ending. Catching that damned frog! LOL!
The way back machine is hit and miss on whether files can be downloaded. Sometimes you can, some game executibles I've gotten from there, but not most audio files I've tried. Probably a perceived copyright issue there, but just a guess.


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