Re: The Allure of Wanton Cove

"The Allure of Wanton Cove is a dark tale of horror set within the Cthulhu Mythos created by the renowned author H.P. Lovecraft.

You take on the part of a washed up former detective who could never let go of the last terrible case he worked.  Content to live the rest of his life at the bottom of a bottle, his former partner comes knocking, begging for his help.  Help that he is loath to give until offered a tantalizing clue that could finally unravel the case that plagues his every waking thought.  He accepts, having no idea that the truth he will find is infinitely more terrible than what already haunts him."


This game features the following:
-Fully customizable character, and how you build him can have significant implications on the game as a whole.
-Playing different styles of characters is rewarded through unlocking different content as you play, meaning that no two playthroughs will ever be quite the same.
-Discover clues that you can follow as you explore side stories that often shed additional insights into the world you find yourself in.
-Explore a corruption ravaged island, experiencing hundreds of scenes, many of which evolve as you learn more about the island.
-Every character has a story.  Talk to the people, learn about them, unravel their secrets.
-Not one, but TWO slow transformation mechanics that can over time can completely change your character.
-A system for tracking madness.  The terrible things you see will fray your sanity, driving you mad bit by bit.
-A fully implemented combat system with several enemy types, and enemies who will sometimes behave differently each time you encounter them.
-Eighteen different endings to the game to find.
-More than 50 images that range from the erotic to the macabre.
-More than 460,000 words of content, making it a substantial sized project that will likely take you hours to play through.


Changelog 1.14
-Wrote a DP scene for the prostitution function.  Even managed to work a line into the scene that was a nod to one of my favorite games.  wink
-Wrote a slightly degrading scene for the prostitution function.
-Wrote a new blowjob scene for the prostitution function.
-Wrote a titjob scene for the prostitution function.
-Includes the usual assortment of bug fixes, spelling/grammar fixes, and all that fun stuff.
-Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels.  12/02/18
-Added about 8k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 468k words of content.


Player Reviews:

"You know, I have played some truly horrific and/or gory video games during my years. Games like:
• Parasite Eve
• Resident Evil
• Silent Hill (All of them up to “The Room”
..and yet none of them have creeped me the fuck out like Wanton Cove. You are that much of a badass when it comes to descriptive writing. Never add sounds to that game. I am too old to be pissing myself."

"The slow burn of the transformation is very torturous, but its creeping presence gives the game a real sense of dread... or eroticism if you're into that. What has been released has been a spectacular Detective Adventure that does well to put you into the story. The atmosphere has been very dark and foreboding. I find myself wanting to know more about the world and there's enough grit here to make it without the transformation aspect.

Because, let's be honest, who didn't keep going back to your room with that woman?

Fun Tip: Play some music from a dark horror game. I personally used Silent Hill for this. It adds to the experience.

Came for the Smut, stayed for the Story. Probably one of the better compliments I could pay."

"I feel that most games on this site can be broadly put into two categories. Porn with game elements, and games with porn elements. I would say this fits into the latter category. The writing in general, the setting, and the atmosphere of the game are excellent. It feels very Lovecraftian. Seriously, this game is creepy from the get go, and the tension that it creates really works. The random scenes generally help keep the tension high, and atmosphere thick. The character work could be a bit better. To be clear, some characters get a lot of love, but others feel like little more a click through dialouge to gather clues. It's that contrast that makes me even write this criticism.

On to the TF. There seems to be one central TF in the game, and it is painfully slow... in a very good way. You could railroad your way through it if you really want to, but I get the feeling that once there is a path to a more satisfactory ending it is the kind of thing that will happen over time, and you will struggle against it if you want to enjoy the content. This seems fitting, as characters tend to lose their minds in Lovecraftian fiction, while here we have our main character losing their body and mind. The descriptions of the TF as they occur range from good to great. Unfortunately, if you want to be reminded of what you look like, the "you" link displays a pretty bare bones description of your current form. It's not a deal breaker, and I know it is a pain to write a bit of code to reflect those dynamic changes in a somewhat more literary format, but it is a feature I look for in TF games."


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