Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Another atheist here. There was a line in one of Bo Burnham's songs that was something like "You shouldn't abstain from rape just because you think that I want you to. You shouldn't rape because rape's a fucked up thing to do." I love that line. I don't need any gods to figure out morality. I don't want any creep to be watching me all the time. I don't want anyone to suffer just for not believing in the same religion that I do. Do you know how fucked up that is? All these nice people around you, wonderful people, better than many of those who believe in your religion. All of them will suffer in hell. No one of us wants that ... right? If we have to make up a religion, can't it at least be a friendlier one?
Anyway, enough of ranting. I'm an atheist, and will continue to not believe in gods until I get good proof that a god-like being exists. If I get good scientific proof of that, I'll believe. Not worship that being, mind you. But believe that they exist, at least.
I understand that many people find a kind of safety in believing someone's watching out for them. Death's terrifying, so it makes sense they'd try to soften it up by believing that they'll never really die, just go someplace better. And our law system isn't perfect, so of course some primal side of us would want monsters to suffer for ever, however cruel that is.
So believe, if you want. Believe for yourself, don't try to force those beliefs on anybody else, especially not children. Don't refuse some scientific progression just because your god/s wouldn't agree with it. Don't harm anybody. Don't tell someone that they shouldn't get medicine, and should allow you to heal them with holy water or your healing touch or whatever instead. Whatever you believe in, just be a good person, and we'll get along just fine.

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