Re: water master BK III
Dropbox it. I bet I could do it. I can't record myself doing it though.
And I bet the cat thing is intentional, too.
As far as making the game too easy/too hard/whatever? Okay, by your logic, a person should have a folder of cheats which could, say, give you 1 million health, or make it so cameras are blind, or make it spo the player can move at 10x speed for as long as they want. By your logic, we should be able to make the game as easy as we want to in the interest of the pursuit of fun.
Virtually no games, mainstream otherwise, offer a legitimate way to do this outside of cheating. Some will give you easter eggs that make the game easier (this is where, say, the cat spear or triple yoyo come in) but there is still some difficulty there.
I don't know if you've watched Liam's playthrough, but the water master literally allowed him to spray the BCS and kill it in about three seconds flat, as I recall. He killed each of the final bosses in approximately the same time. That weapon is very, very, very powerful. To make it available around stage 18 of normal is a truly game-wrecking balance decision. There is no challenge left. You just hold space bar and annihilate whatever gets too close. I can't really see how that's fun.
What's more, on much higher difficulties, over-reliance on a given weapon may in fact lead to disadvantages that make you redo your whole strategy. Trust me. I've done this. I tried using the triple yo-yo on the BCS and it took for. freaking. ever. Then I switched to the hammer and really wailed on it. I think what I actually went with was the acrobat pistol (non-upgraded), and that was a lot more hits at a lot less damage. Cat spear would've made that fight much easier. Point is, if you get too reliant on the "win button", and then it stops working, you'll get upset all over again because the game suddenly got too hard. Again, I know how that feels because I've been there. Almost never use triple yoyo anymore for precisely that reason. So this was a bit of a ramble, the point of which was to say that there are very good reasons not to have the water master available in normal mode. Me, I'd put it in very hard or so (as in, you have to beat very hard, and then you can use it). I feel like the dev may have overcorrected just a bit.
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