Re: Ear Hockey from Microsoft

I changed my region as well, which was actually far easier to do than I thought (just go into settings and find location) and so have also played the game.

I like the fact that the game gets pretty damn extreme, and that even with high contrast graphics you still need to hear the ball, actually the first person graphics I found a  bit distracting even on high contrast mode.

I also like the way that hard is sort of  on overdrive! I slaughtered the computer on medium, then hard is a bit nuts, show down levels of nuts big_smile.

My only issue is that sometimes the game loops into you losing a hole bunch of points in a row, if the ball hits the goal it immediately comes back and hits your goal again, this is especially noticeable on higher difficulties.

I also wish the game used a bit of a wider stereo pan for its audio, though that might just be me and the fact that the ball sound is more complex than in most audio pong type games.

Other than that though, its an addictive little arcade game and highly worth a tryy as Slj said, and hopefully the next update will fix the region issue.

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