Re: Linux / Arch Linux Questions

If using the official arch linux iso, you can make it behave like talking arch by doing the following, assuming you are connected using a wired connection. Note: If you're using a vm, you are automatically connected with a wired connection:
1: boot into the iso by pressing enter once you hear started or similar from your host's screen reader
2: wait anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes to ensure you're at the archiso prompt.
3: type:
pacman --noconfirm -Sy espeakup
and wait around 1 to 2 minutes depending on the speed of your host's connection
4: type:
modprobe speakup_soft
to load speakup into the kernel
5: type:
systemctl start espeakup
to start espeakup, which acts as a bridge between speakup, a kernel-space screen review package originally written for hardware synthesizers and espeak, a user-space tts system, to initialize.
After this, you should hear espeak say:
which indicates that you now have speech using the espeak software synthesizer.
You can then follow the official arch linux installation guide. To get speech on your new system, add espeakup to the pacstrap part when you get to the install the base system section. To have software speech on boot, while chrooted, run:
systemctl enable espeakup
A few other console screen readers exist, such as fenrir and yasr. Fenrir, like speakup, can come up as soon as the system boots, is more extensible, is not built into the kernel, so arch can't update the kernel and take it out for whatever reason, leaving you with out speech, but takes a little more work to get going. Yasr is another console screen reader, but you must be logged into the system to use it. It does take a little bit of work to get set up, if you're using speech-dispatcher, the linux equivalent of sapi, you need to write a wrapper script, but if you do get it working, it will make using curses apps a lot less painful. Orca only works in GUI environments, but if you want a command line based system with support for running the oddball gui web browser here and there, have a look at ratpoison, a keyboard-driven window manager and stick mate terminal on top of it for an accessible terminal. Hth

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