Happy Public Domain Day: Free Book Dump

As reported by [Motherboard]:

Since various copyright interests haven't pushed for yet another extension of copyright, this year marks the first year since 1998 that a large number of works will fall into the public domain, with more to come in the future. For now though books first published in 1923 are all fair game, tens of thousands of books and works from the likes of Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie, and Robert Frost, including a cache of 1.5 million academic journals published before 1923.

If your interested in spelunking into literary history, checkout the article for links and directions to find downloads for such works as:

Tarzan and the Golden Lion by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie
The World Crisis by Winston S. Churchill
New Hampshire by Robert Frost
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Antic Hay by Aldous Huxley
Kangaroo by D.H. Lawrence
The Prospects of Industrial Civilization by Bertrand and Dora Russell
Rootabaga Pigeons by Carl Sandburg
A Son at the Front by Edith Wharton
The Inimitable Jeeves and Leave it to Psmith by P.G. Wodehouse
Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf
Tulips and Chimneys by E.E. Cummings

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