Re: About C#. Keys

Interesting, two post with a lot of useful information. let get in touch one by one smile


When you are planning to make an audiofps with thousands of enemies and tons of objects in 3D map, you can use game loops to save cpu. But you still have
a chance to do it.

hmmm not only for that; other utility of have a constant game loop, is for ave a order, and synchronized all objects and actions in the game smile


There is OpenGL as you say for this purpose and only a fool would use Windows forms or WPF instead.

openGl, bulcan, directX, you named it.
And a lot of useful engines for handle these things for you. monogame, xenko, wave, unity, etc. smile


@Sanslash: BgtKit isn't published yet. It has two reasons. First that I was coding it during development of my games, and because of that just functions
I actually needed are implemented. Second is, that it is some time synce I worked on some game, i am focusing more on expanding my knowledge to web technologies
and mathematics, including machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence.

sounds good, very good wink
But, why that name?
I don't know, change it to rastiToolBelt, rastiGameutilities or something similar jaja.

If you need to make it available from every class, use a static class for this purpose, which represents what category that variable belongs to.
For example, Math functions in C# aren't declared like globals, even if that were possible, but are grouped in a static class Math, what is pretty clear
explanation of their category.

Is util for some cases, but exist more interesthing patterns, like factoring, singleton, etc smile

so thanks for the example, some toughts about it:

OK, lets comment a few things of the code... O really, are a doubt.

In the keyboard shorcut class...
Why use the bool variables a nullable types?

I don't see a situation on that you want a ctrl or shift var will be null; is true or false, but don't see when you need these will be null smile

About the window handler class, so...

its Ok, but I preffer use a singleton instanse with a factory function to get / create it, instead of have pure statick code. Looks good and works fine, but for me, the other option sounds better :3

The other thing... whi did you capture the keyboard on the main window, and next pushs it to the virtual window, instead of capture it directly?

So, the utility that I can see, if you have a standar control input like buttons and axis deffined, and with that you can capture keyboard, touches and joystick, and next only pass to the virtual window the mask without knowing witch is the original input devise, but in this case I didn't see a real use.

And thanks for the code... the BGTKit dll is usable? or currently not; what features it can do, aditional to the speetch methods?

Thanks for the example code; works fine.

a, your idea of the shortcut is very good, and use actions for it. Very well; you can improve it mutch more, but the basis is well thinked


linker errors?

I guess that you're talking about c++ or  other similar languajes; in c# generally you didn't see problems like that, using statick variables, of course :3

And that is all!

thanks for all

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