monthly chat January 2019

Welcome to yet another of these monthly chat topics. As usual, feel free to chat about anything and everything you want from games, to books, to movies to why penguins would win in a fight with ostriches.

This is usually the point in the year when everyone says "wow! its only been a short while since Christmas, where has the time gone?" but actually a lot has gone on in January, at least for me, which means I've been about ready for a new month.

I attended my formal graduation, I was horribly ill with a  awful cold (which my lady is still getting over), I had a lot of things to sort out, including more major db updates, and of course as everyone knows its been a really great year for games so far, and with few minutes of glory and gold gun on the horizon looks like it'll continue to be.

Yesterday my lady and I were due to go and see Mary poppins, which is something we've been planning to do since Christmas but have either been too ill or occupied etc to do. One of the reasons for said occupation was due to the fact that for the last two weeks, my lady has been waiting for a parcel from Germany containing the last of the possessions she left over there when she moved rather precipitately to England in fifteen.
The other eleven parcels all arrived fine and have all even been unpacked, however, no sign of this one, and manifestly we didn't want to leave without it. There have been no delivery cards through the door,  notifications, despite the fact that my lady's German relatives had all the correct address and contact details on the parcel.

So my lady phones the post office, who tell her apparently they attempted to deliver the parcel several times but got the wrong address, but they have no idea what is happening with it and tell her to call royal male central office for the midlands. Royal male don't know anything either but tell her  tracking number sounds like parcel force.

When she (eventually after 45 minutes listening to horribly synthetic Vivaldi), gets through to Parcel force, they tell her the tracking number sounds like Dhl.
So, at this point I decide to spare my lady a break and phone dhl. Small problem, Dhl have about 20 different phone numbers.
the sisxth one I try, I eventually get through to someone after another 20 minute wait to be told that Dhl express isn't the right department, I need a Dhl parcel.

I try directories, no number for Dhl parcel. I phone their international office to get a very unpleasant woman who informs me that the tracking number is not  international number, puts me through to customer service who eventually slam the phone down on me.
I then use google to try and find Dhl parcel, and while I find the site, their system to track parcels via tracking number utterly fails, despite how I try to format the number and our post code.

I phone the number on their website, to be told "enter your tracking number"" and then have the robot hang up on me. i try the other options, and eventually get royally pissed and simply hammer the zero key which eventually! gets me to speak to an actual human being!

In fairness he was a very nice human being, and did find the parcel and tell us what the hell has gone wrong, apparently there has been a label mix up and the parcel has gone to the completely, utterly, totally and absolutely wrong address and post code! The joke being the people at that address even accepted it. This was why I couldn't find it via tracking number, since it had the %100 wrong post code (we think the driver might have made a really major mix up, maybe labels fell off two parcels and got switched).

Luckily, the parcel doesn't contain anything too valuable, though it does have a few things such as recordings of Concerts my lady gave in Germany which have sentimental value.

So, he said he'd call back and arrange for the parcel to be picked up from the wrong address, ---- which meant once again Mary poppins had to wait, however he then never called back!

So, from all of this, why in the planet of hell can't these bloody companies actually employ human beings!we could've got things sorted far quicker if we'd just been able to speak to a bloody human! oh yeah, humans need paying where automated systems do not! the world is craaaaaaazy!

In other news, things aren't too bad. I've been doing a lot of gaming which has been fun, plus continuing my read through of Dracula with my lady. I've also started a bently little horror, about an evil housing association. He's an author I've only read one book of thus far (the influence which I also did a review of), but my lady has read more of his and I've heard lots of good things.

The Association is shaping up to be quite disturbing I think.

I'm intermitantly watching Angel series 5 to finish off my Buffy anf Angel complete watch, but season 5 is less good sadly, really having the small investigation team suddenly head of the evil corporate  doesn't make for quite as good drama, and I also wish Spike's story had actually ended in Buffy with his heroic sacrifice, since it'd got to quite a good end point.

anyway, I'd better stop rattling as I've got to dash off early this morning.

Hope everyone else is having a good 2019 thus far.

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