Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

Here's what I see, and I'm going to leave specifics out in an attempt to not provoke things. Suffice it to say, I am well aware of everything that happened after my ban. Now, there was a lot of action in a very short time, and a few missteps as well. This got people angry, some of whom were already due to my ban and how it was carried out. Now you have a bunch of angry people knocking at your door so what do you do, you come up with any old strategy to calm things down. And that's precisely what happened. Just enough, and I do mean just enough was done to get people to calm down. I don't think this place has returned to normal, it has an empty, hollow and hallowed feel about the place, but fairly calm. So now that everything is in control again, the pressure is off, right? That's what I'm seeing, there is no reason to act now, so no action is being taken. The whole thing about transparency didn't live too long, did it.

Now you say that you can manage with what staff you have, but can you? No one here can really say unless we start to see a real down tick in time it takes to have things dealt with. I can say that there has been for sure, but hey, things still do get dealt with, so that's still a point in your favor. Due to ridiculous, infighting and cliquish behavior, the old mod team basically drove away all of the good mods. Also, I think it's pretty disgraceful how some of the mods turned on Aprone after he left. He only did what he felt right to clear his conscience, and you all need to remember one thing, and remember it as long as you bear any professional responsibility: the truth will out. It may take time, even a long time, but sooner or later, your secrets will come out. I honestly think he was the best mod on the team and you guys made a grave error. the new members can't bear responsibility for driving him out, but they can bear it for turning on him as they did.

Now we have basically a 3-person active team. Aaron got promoted to administrator, I'm scratching my head at that one let me just say. While I'm sure he's a good person, and I don't have anything against him, he's very indecisive, doesn't seem to get much done or show much motivation and then seems unsure when he finally does do something. Then you have argmeister, again, nothing against him personally, but didn't I read about him wanting to resign? I honestly think I did, but I could be wrong, names, and dates, etc. But I thought it was him. I remember reading about him wanting peace and tired of the whole thing, which I totally get on every imaginable level and respect. Then he's back and like nothing ever happened. Did I just space out and miss something, or did that actually happen? Then you have Jayde, who honestly I think is doing better than I could have predicted. I remember when I found that out I went ranting to everyone I knew about how I thought they'd lost their minds. And for a short time, I was proven correct, he acted completely out of line on several occasions, but now, I honestly can't say the dude's done anything wrong. My major thing was, I thought he was going to let his extreme political views sway his decisions, but I haven't seen any evidence of that happening. Just the flowery language, which is just... meh, but whatever. So in a complete reversal of anything I ever could have predicted, the one I thought would do the worst is actually the best, unless I crossed into a parallel universe.

So I do think the situation is precarious, oh good lord, I used a Jayde word, quick, poor large amounts of rum and apple pie moonshine down my throat right now! Back to the topic at hand, I think things have found a sort of fragile balance for the moment, but I see still there is work to be done. I do think you guys should look for one or two more mods, I'd actually like to see a woman in that position. Not to say you should have a token woman, but if you find one you feel would fit, definitely. Women tend to offset the men's emotional pissing contests that tend to come up.

Anyway, I'm out of here, I didn't want to go into that much depth, but I always feel honesty tends to help more than it hurts.

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