Re: Wuala And Bitcasa. Two Fully Accessible Dropbox Replacements!

BTSync is usable on windows, you just have to know your screen reader.

I can use it with NVDA just fine, a little bit fiddly, but definitely usable.

Removing a folder is as easy as arrowing to the folder and tabbing to the remove button.

Adding one is an extra step, simply tab to add, generate a key then brows to the folder you want to sync.

The reason I suggest generating the key first is because there are two unlabeled edit boxes, one is for the folder path, while the other is for the key, or Secret as they like to call it.

To get the various keys just go into the folder preferences and hit the copy button.

It really is great once you've played with it for a while.

A couple of us ar using it to share Harry Potter Fanfiction.

So far, we haven't had any problems.

The only drawback is, you can't link to files like these other services.


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