What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

I have learned a lot of things during my time here at NCBVI.  Due to these experiences, it has made me want to start an independence training center based off of my own creative vision. I wanted to see if it would be worth it to do it though, so I decided to ask you guys some questions. Before that though, I think I should talk about a few things.
The center does sleep shade training, I. E., You’re literally putting on sleep shades and training with them on. The reason for this is because they want everybody in the center, regardless of visual acuity, to function the same way.  You have five main classes, (Braille, Communications, Home Management, Shop, and Travel). You also have some extras, such as Vocational Seminar and otherr activities. This all sounds good on paper, but I personally believe the exicution is a little flawed. You see, a lot of these activities are mandatory, meaning you have to go weather you like it or not. These trips could be anything from going to the mall and spending a day there to going to a hocky stadium, which is what we did last time. The night we went to the hocky game, the wind chill was -35 outside, and the inside temperature in the stadium had to be at least 40. We were all cold, and I think even the staff were miserable that night. Nevertheless, they still made us go to the game because, “it’s a learning experience.” I personally do not believe in inforcing an activity/class onto a student if that’s not the particular secter of learning they want to go for. I think they should run these centers like colledges, i.e., allow you to sign up for certain courses. Activities should always be optional, regardless of the location/setting.
Now, lets discuss the Vocational Seminar assignment I was given. I was told that I needed to find five companies that I wanted to work for, pick the top three, and research information about them. Note that they strictly said five companies. It doesn’t matter if you want to run your own business, or in most of the students cases if you’re already running your own business or otherwise found where you want to work. Regardless of the currentwalk of life you’re going through, weather it be running your own company or you’re a retiree, you still have to pick five companies you’d consider working for. I informed them that I do not intend on working for anybody because I’m also going into comedy, and they told me that I didn’t necessarily have to work for those companies. If I wrote what they wanted me to write, I would effectively be writing lies. I think we should be focussed on furthering the individual student’s career, and picking out companies may not necesarily be their choice of career. Also, like activities I believe voke seminar should be optional.
So, there’s my thoughts. I may have been rambling a little bit because I confess I am getting tired, so I’ll end the post off with some questions.
1. What do you guys like or dislike about the training centers we have now?
2. Is this something you’d like to partisipate in if I decided to make it happen?
3. Do you have ideas for me to consider?
My plan is to make this thing nonprofit, and I’d like to branch it out through not only multiple states in the US, but other countries as well. After I leave the training center, I plan on going back to North Carolina and going to college to get my masters degree in business. I would also like to know if there are centers that already do the things I’m trying to do. I can look up centers on Google, but the only true way to find out what a center and it’s staff are all about is to experience their techniques first hand which I unfortunately can’t do very easily, so asking you guys is the next best thing. After all, no point in trying to start a center if people are already doing things the way I planned to do it, that would just be pointless reinvention of the weal. Anyways, I can’t wait to hear back from you guys. Take care, and have a good night.

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