Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Does python even have a head?

I've been successfully using python for quite a few years now, and it's served most all my needs if not more. Aside from being hands down one of the easiest yet most functional languages out there, you can most likely find a myriad of documentation for basically anything. Getting an error? Google it and find an entry in stackoverflow, some github issue tracker, reddit, or all the above. If you think one of the easiest languages known to man is giving you trouble, please try c/c++. Once you figure everything at least works at a partial level, welcome buffer overflows/program has stopped responding/linker errors/inconsistencies/hours upon hours of unexpected development time. If your having these issues with a language of such simplicity, I can only conclude you've had little practical programming experience up until now. I've built pyaudio, wrote several extensions to and wrappers around pybass, and played with pyinstaller to a great degree. Your problem might be cross distro incompatibility, lack of hidden imports for unpopular modules, bad practices in your workflow, I mean it's really hard to tell without more specific information for debugging purposes.
GUI programming is probably the only point I find myself agreeing with here, on the wx front at least. Great power unfortunately comes with great difficulty here, in fact more difficulty than is strictly necessary. You'll eventually find yourself getting into the swing of things, but it's understandable if pythonic logic doesn't fully cary over. This is why many mainstream developers find themselves using TK. It's builtin, easier, and just works for everyone aside from us with less than functional optic nerves. I don't know if your post was one of rage after a long day of errors or actual curiosity/wonder, but I highly recommend targeting your issues individually instead of wrapping them all up into a list of reasons for why the language is infuriatingly difficult. It really isn't. Then again I suppose that's on background.

tmstuff000, no comment. Just, no comment. I wouldn't at all say python syntax is horrible, that's a complete matter of opinion. Like saying the zeros at the end of your name are horrible. I think they're unnecessary and overkill, but you might think the zeros are actually quite cool.
Indentation is absolutely normal, even for most users of your beloved c++ and BGT. Also, the point about python specific need for an external module in order to freeze into executables is terribly invalid. Did you know the same rings true in c++? Check the GNU compiler collection, visual studio/microsoft compilers, clang, other less popular ones I'm probably forgetting.

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