Re: Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS!

Glad you got it fixed.

I  was playing  cygnas u yesterday since on  Thursday I went to a  talk about John barry's music for James bond and a complete showing of the original gold finger with sean connery (nice on the big screen), indeed I was introducing my mum to the joys of cygnas as well big_smile.

My only personal issue is the game seems a little too easy, or at least I never failed in any of my attempts, though that was likely because I remembered which set of characteristics I went with, eg, bold vs secreative, charismatic vs hostile and  just continued with those all the way through.

I do enjoy the game purely as an interactive story, it's got all those great spy moments (including a shark tank), but I wish there was a little more  obscurity in the choices and chance of failure to provide some challenge.


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