Re: Why is new releases filled with huge game discussion topics?

I haven't thoroughly read all the posts here, so maybe what I am suggesting has already been proposed, but I thought of a system that might work. Of course, I don't know if it's possible, but here goes.
Let's take an example to explain my idea. I release a game called "Your Totally Awesome Adventure." I go to the new releases room and write my post as normal, then hit submit. The thread is posted in new releases room. However, another thread is automatically made in general game discussion.
Now, why would you want two threads? For one very simple reason: Anyone can reply to the thread in general game discussion, and so discussions can flourish. But only I can reply to the thread in new releases, since I'm the one who initially posted. When I do, that reply is also sent to the general game discussion thread, so whether you are just looking through new releases, or idly reading the discussion, you will see my 1.1 update fixing many horrendous bugs. In effect, the new releases room will become a place where *only* new releases can be found. But like I say, the general game discussion thread will stay in sync with it, so that you don't have to visit two separate threads to know what's going on. As a bonus, there could be links at the bottom of post 1 of both threads, so you could quickly jump between the discussion thread and the release thread if you impulsively change your mind about whether you care about the discussion or not.
Tl,dr, post in new releases only when you have something to release and it will go to general game discussion automatically where it can be discussed.
I have a feeleing something like this couldn't be implemented in the immediate future, but it sounds like it could be a win win situation to solve weaknesses in the current system.

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