Re: I'm appearing online though I closed skype

let see if we can help you. first. when  did this start to happen. secondly. it has not any thing to do with system tray shut down. as i have been using skype for some time. tip. there is 1 check box u can disable under privacy settings. do so. and let us no if it worked?
allow my online status to be shown on the web? check box.
make sure its not checked. last but not leest. trubble shoot. swich off your i fone or device that runs skype. only keep the desktop pc active. then? wait for about five minutes. then restart skype on the desktop. ask 1 of your friends to tell u if u offline or not. if so? restart skype on the desktop pc? and they wil tell u that u online? then go offline and ask them if it updated it? if so? it meens there is an issue with the other device. now  if this does happen? we can take it from there. do get back to us. and goodluck

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