Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta63)


Some contributors seriously helped in the development of this version. Thanks to Sam, Carter, and Oscar. Thanks also to the translators who worked hardly for this version. Thanks also and sorry to Lucas and Qais who sent contributions but I didn't find the time to include them.

A documentation is now included in the game. You can find it in the main menu.
The menus supports now the multi letter navigation.
The disposition of the keys is now saved in the save file.
You can create a file called dataPath.txt and write an absolute or a relative path to a folder where you want to save your save file and other personal game data.
The statistics are more complete and you can print them in a file.
By pressing f11, you can switch the auto-enter key. If enabled, the enter key will be pressed automaticaly in many cases, if the game window has the focus. This setting is saved in the save file.
There is now a channel system, that allows you to mute some elements. Use left and right bracket to browse the channel, and press Slash or Backslash to mute or unmute it. Your choices are saved in the save file.
It's now possible de chat even in a menu.
By pressing f1, you can send a chat message only to your teamates. When you are in this mode the pitch of the chat sound will be increased so you are aware of what mode you are in.
In the reward room, the mini-games are now classed by world, and you can press Space to have the statistics of the selectionned mini-games.
You can play with a mini-game list that has just one mini-game.
Some improvements regarding the micro-games: the micro-games have statistics, you can select the number of turns in a micro-game party, and the menu that allows you to choose a micro-game plays now the music of the selectionned micro-game.
A couple new micro-games.
You can find a speaker test in the options menu.
Many improvements of the English translation.
In most cases you should now be able to use both modifier keys when performing certain actions, note that this isn't complete yet.
Many, many performance increases, particularly when starting an online party and durring launch of the game.
You can now press control+shift+w to write the game's log manually.
You can now only change teams once every second in an online party and toggle spectator mode every 1.5 seconds to avoid spam.
Shortened the map of the castle's wall game.
Some small modifications to score calculation to avoid player confusion, should decrease the number of times people get 20 points but don't win in compatition.
Fixed a bug in minigames where sometimes you would keep respawning and getting killed in a loop.
Now you can organise your decks and game lists into folders as subfolders of the deck or game folders.
Worked a little bit on fixing chatting online in board mode.
Now keys like dash and equals don't trigger while in the chat box.

An experimental quest mode is now available. You can explore a few maps and your goal is to find items that allow you to unlock bots. You can view your unlocked bots in the bot gallery.
The deck manager made by Sam and Carter is now included in the game.
You can read or print a battle type effectiveness reference in the options menu.
You win now one gem per 50 coins in the arenas.
The number of card you can get in the cooperative battle depends now on the number of killed bot and the number of player death.
In the cooperative battle mode, you can choose the starting health points, if you have unlocked the custom battle settings.
The team battle mode with bots is available in online. In this mode, and for each battle, each player plays with a bot.
The health limit in a battle is now the double of the starting health.
By pressing Shift+h, you can have a summary of your hand.
You can use Alt with the left or right arrow in your hand to pass to the next different card.
If a card gives another card, the other card is now described after the description of the first card.
The Shift+Enter command is back and you can use it to launch an offensive card against a teamate.
You need now to hold Shift if you really want to give up.
Many new cards.
Modified cards: the cards that have now the projectile or care flag, all the barriers, all the mirrors, symphony of the forest (100% success), melting ice (finally fixed).
Fixed a bug that would make you play the card you were currently focused on when sending a chat message.
A few new baddle bots.

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