Re: tactical battle lot of erors

now i try to play a campaign age of warlord and i' m played for severals turns and when i try to strike some enemy i see this eror:


An error has occurred.  Please notify the game creator of this error.  You can copy the entire error to your clipboard by pressing control + C.  Then you can paste it into an email by pressing control + V and send the email to
Error in the application.
-2147024882 (E_OUTOFMEMORY)
   at Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Audio.Play()

   at Ian.DSAudio.Play() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\DSAudio.cs:line 53

   at Ian.TBSound.Play(IHaveGameLoopState ent, String name, DSAudio& a, DSAudioInfo& ai, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 187

   at Ian.TBSound.Play(String sound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 148

   at Ian.TBSound.PlayRandom(String sound, String& randSound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 96

   at Ian.TBSound.PlayRandom(String sound, Boolean synchronous, Boolean repeat, Boolean restart, Int32 volume, Double start, Double end, Boolean playWhenBuildingBattleLog) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBSound.cs:line 74

   at Ian.AP.PlayActionSound(SkillOrItemBase soib, Unit curUnit, Tile target, Boolean success, Boolean playForAllPlayers) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\ActionPerformer.cs:line 481

   at Ian.AP.PerformSkill(SkillOrItemBase soib, Unit curUnit, Unit targetUnit, Tile target, Item item, Boolean speakAsync, Boolean suppressSpeech, Boolean announceCoords, Boolean receivedFromServer, Boolean suppressSound) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\ActionPerformer.cs:line 172

   at Ian.BattleAction.Process(TBClientWorld ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBStates\BattleAction.cs:line 41

   at Ian.SceneMachine`1.Process(T ent) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\SceneMachine.cs:line 66

   at Ian.TBGameLoop.InnerSingleLoop(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 57

   at Ian.GameLoopLogic.RunLoops[TWorld](TWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput, Action`2 runSingleLoop, Double totalElapsedSeconds, Double fixedTimeStep) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameLoopLogic.cs:line 31

   at Ian.TBGameLoop.RunLoops(TBClientWorld ent, QueuedGameInput formInput) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\TacticalBattle\TBGameLoop.cs:line 23

   at Ian.GameWindow`1.RunGameLoop() in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 135

   at Ian.GameWindow`1.GameLoopTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Data\Recent\Games\GameEngine\GameWindow.cs:line 182

   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
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