Re: What manamon should I use to beat Irroadium?

I never liked using a dragon anything against irroadium. I think he's got some magic dragon move or something so that's basically a one hit kill, and the dragon type was usually the first one he'd go for. Also in some walkthroughs of this game I've seen where they use oristar, that was another one that seemed to die early and often. They'd get into a loop for a while where you use one manamon to take a hit while you revive the second one to take a hit while you revived the first and back and forth like that. That's why I try to be overleveled enough to where that doesn't happen. My team usually ended up to be something like polosses, martiagle, enchandithol, lionatar, dussoket (or erroir) and one I can't remember remullion or fiendour maybe? And of course I was leveled up enough to where the irroadium fights and most everything else would be a doddle barring issues with dumb blind luck and attacks randomly missing.

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