Re: help in bgt?

Ok, so, you could use ectors, or as lucas said, int x, y, z;
Maybe something along the lines of this. This code wouldn't work correctly but screw off.

int x, y, z; //the players coordinates.
int jumping; //we'll just have this here in case you wanta make jumping;
//declare some sounds
sound step; sound jump; sound ambience;
void main() //hope I don't gotta explain this.
//load the sounds.
while(key_pressed(KEY_ESCAPE)=false) //Declare that the following will occur if the key escape is pressed.
move(forward); //call the move void, with the directcion of forward.
//do that for all the arrows.
void move(string direction) //call a move function, that will take the direction that you move.

Now that was thrown together in 5 minutes, and I don't even think that would work, considering I have a vary limited grasp on loops, for some reason they won't work for me, and that I'm not sure if I did the void with an enclosed var correctly. Please correct me if I did that rong, cause I'd love to learn myself.

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