Re: Minefield concept demo

Okay I gave this a try.
I do like the idea, indeed great toy robbery has definitely got me to be a fan of this style of game, and sediment is rather amusing big_smile.

Just a couple of things.
Firstly, I'm a little confused as to why the mine detector is necessary given the mines make beeping noises anyway, unless the plan is to have invisible,I.E inaudible mines somewhere along the line.
It'd also be nice if traps could be a little more effective, or at least if the monsters would chase you a bit more consistantly so you could use traps strategically to knock them off (provided you were good enough).

Then the items, I had to switch on speed interupt for typed characters, and even so, it wasn't always obvious what I picked up, frequently I'd just hear a click and that would be that, which is a shame in a game where such a lot of work has gone in to creating distinct items.

Maybe either the items need sounds, or there should be a log of what you pick up.

Then, I can't actually hear the story with eloquence going at that speed and the echos on. Again, its probably okay if your a fan of eloquence and use it regularly, but for those who don't  slowing it down, or having a human voice recording might be nice?

Other than that I can see this going really well, the concept is fun and the achievements are amusing.

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