Re: An opurtunity for work, for only some small code!

"• Know advanced coding techniques such as use of arrays, dictionaries, classes/objects, etc."

These are not advanced topics. Classes and arrays  are basic. dictionaries are intermediate at best, but only if you are implemeting a dictionary from scratch using primitives.

Reading your various posts on this forum, including this one it is clear you haven't done  your due studying into programming.

I am not saying this to be mean, like some others on this forum. you are very young so I don't blame you for these mistakes.

But, let me tell you that learning to program requires you to study , study, study! 90% of the time by yourself, reading a book and experimenting. There are many great books you can get for free that will help you learn. I think  you mostly posted about python and _javascript_. both are great. and you should start with a book that teaches general programming with the language you choose. then if you wish, you can move onto books that write about programming games, which you can then apply to any language.

If you need someone to look at your code, do you not have a computer science teacher at your school or a programming club?

also, in order to code games you need to know math. probably not necessary to know calculus, but algebra is a must. if you cannot solve for x in the following equation, you definitely do not know enough.
(50x -32)/3  = 10

beyond that, you need to know how to work with mathematical vectors, if you are going to make any game where object position is a thing. e.g.
if I give you a vector  [2,1]
what is its distance from origin?
in the context of a game coordinate system,
what effect does scaling a vector have on the object in game?
when you subtract one vector from another, what does the resulting vector represent?
how do you measure distance between two objects?

also, last thing. 60$?! for the entire game? or just sending you the 500 char code? 60$ for a good dev will get you about 2-3 hours of work.

also, code isn't usually measured by chars. It's not really useful to measure it in lines either. what matters if the code does what it is supposed to do. it's not an english essay. as long as program A and program B achieve the same thing, if program B is shorter, it is usually better.

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