Re: Clok Mud

From the journal of Uair
Lordsday, Avril 22
I left Shadgard behind today. it was a nice town, but few of my kind, the undying, are there. The mine is nice, besides the "better" eastern area. Whatever, I can get quartz from my area, and Malakai too.

I left with a good 1100 Riln. I never, ever thought I'd have that much Riln. What could I possibly do with that much money? Ah well, I'm sure some disaster will happen, and I’ll need to spend all of it, so better not waste it. Along my travels out of Shadgard, I had only followed the road for so far before I turned back. Oh, that reminds me, I must get more bandages. Anyways, through the guidance of those communicating through the pendant network, I decided to attempt to overcome my fear of getting lost in the wilderness and travel the road more.

So, I traveled northward, I found that town of infested, and killed a few with my bare hands. I never thought I'd be able to do that, but with the gloves studded with metal, I was able to beat them to death. The most amazing part was that I left that place with mere scratches.

Northward I traveled, through the mountain pass and onward, passing the village of infested I remember visiting months and months ago, when I was still around haiben. Yes, I knew I was close then. Ironically, I passed the town on my first pass, and wound up in the place I was really looking for, the Retreat of the Brotherhood of the Fist.

It had been about a year ago when I became a member of the Brotherhood of the Fist. At that time, I had been wandering around, not really thinking much about what I was doing. I had found the Retreat and became a member almost flippantly. I figured that I wouldn't find another guild to be a member of, so why not choose this one.

Now, though, it seems that I’ve been growing into this guild, without really thinking much of it. The last thing to fall was my reliance on weapons. Now I'm not sure what to do with this broad sword I carry. I don't think I'll sell it just yet though. I never know when I may really need it. Then again, maybe I'll never need it, judging by how easy it is to kill with the fists.

So, I first looked at the shop in the retreat. Not much that I want there. I don't need style; I need to be able to kill the infested and Nethrim. Then I went to the infirmary and was healed for free. I'll have to remember how to get back there. Then I came to the office.

The leader of the brawlers was in the office as I stepped in. After relating my travels to him, I asked him what all services he offered. Turns out, he can train me in dodging and other combat things that I need to stay alive. just because I've been brought back to life these times, doesn't mean I want to die, or that the next time won't be the last time I die.

So, we practiced dodging for a while. I felt like I learned a little, but the backpack I wear is so full of stuff, stuff which still is important, that I doubt I'd ever be very quick with it.

I then asked him about any tasks he may have for me. He told me about this racoon that's hard to kill, and it's in that town with infested. I still can't recall the name, much less how to spell it. He said that I should kill it, so kill it I would.

I rested for a while, pondering the journey ahead. It would be a long one, yes, but I knew I could get this task done. If I can kill shades and infested with my hands, I could kill a raccoon, surely.

So, I got up, and walked back to that town. Through the pass, passed the downed caravan, almost got lost in the prairie but found my way back to the road, and finally found the town.

The town had farmland first, before the town proper. I figured the raccoon would be there, so I searched around the area. I found a few raccoons in my search, killing them along with the infested who always seem to want to kill me. Eventually, I found one unique raccoon, with scars all over its body. I had the feeling that this would be the right one, and the battle proved it. The thing could hide in the shadows, then attack out of nowhere. I spent a good while fighting it, and finally killed it.

As I buried the raccoon, I thought about how far I'd come in just a few weeks. I'd learned so much about mining, gathered hundreds of riln, and now accepted my role as a Brother of the Fist. of course, an infested just had to intrude upon my thoughts. I didn't have the energy to kill it, so I didn't waste time fighting it. I quickly left that town and traveled back to the retreat.

There, I went back to the glorious free infirmary, healed and rested, then went to tell the leader about my success. he was happy to hear of the raccoon's defeat, and gave me 100 more Riln, as if I know what to do with that, and guild points.

So today has been an eventful day, and I'm tired. Even though its 9 bells, and zenith hasn't even occurred yet, I'm ready for a longer rest than an infirmary floor can provide.

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