Re: Tin Star an Old West adventure released for ios/android

Lol Grryf, I was just coming to report this  release accept that  appropriately enough, you were quicker on the draw than me big_smile.

I might well take advantage of the offer on this one. I've recently been playing through zombi  exidous and very much enjoying the game,  so another long title would be fun. I can't say westerns are a preferd genre, but I'll try most  gamebooks if the writing is good, indeed I might take advantage of this offer.

Btw, zombi exidous is fun but one thing confused me considdering that I was playing a female surviver

beware! zombi exidous spoilers below, if you've not played zombi  exidous and don't want to spoil the game stop now.

Why in the name of merry heck is my character a Lesbian? imho the author really  should've thought this one threw, and left options for r elationships with either  male or female characters.   It's not that I specifically mind playing a lesbian, I just would've sort of liked  some incling of the idea first. also, having options for relationships with both genders would've let you play a male character who was gay as well, thus giving the player  more choice.

still, apart from that rather   surprising twist,I'm liking thus far. I'm in the middle of chapter four and have completed a couple of parts, and thus  far haven't done too bad although the scene in chapter three with the  people on the street with the russian fellow and the woman with the scarf  all of  whom have guns was a little whacky, then again I've gone for the no nonses, high strength builder type of character who generally melee's her way through things and usually  clobbers zombies like nobody's business, so it's possible that if I'd had a bit more charisma  I would've found a better option than having to run  away.


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