Re: Scrolling Battles

Hey guys,

I have, after some time, decided to continue on with SB. And, in result, here is SB 9.0!

New in 9.0
Removed data menu. If you want to clear your data, delete the data folder. Until we get a better sollution.
Changed save data completely to file. As a result, you'll have to restart your stats all over again, but this way it's a lot easier to add stuff.
Fixed enemies never falling in pits bug (thanks to sam.)
Removed the errors.log file from compiled scripts, sorry about that folks.
Added you can make your own characters!
Fixed event logs! Thanks to my stupidity they didn't work before.
Changed jumping now you can hold left and right arrows while jumping to move in the air.
Changed the sounds of the menu to newer and better ones.
Removed menu themes, as they didn't seem to be very popular or good.
Changed to the new and improved keyhold menu style. Press a key to move, or hold a key, li ke the same as in 2dp.
New in 8.7
Fixed a bug where the game would not stop the swimming ambience after winning.
New in 8.6
Fixed many bugs reported by errors.log file I added.
Fixed a bug where if you played advanced, then played it again without restarting, a pit would randomly spawn right outside the safe zone with no sound.


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