Re: who wants to help me make a new online game

No no no, its this instead!

from random_language import *
#define allow_nonuniversal_syntax
#include <lang_syntax>
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure main is
asm! {
TEXT DB "You should really learn a programming language, bro!"
MOV ds, ax
MOV ah, 09h
INT 21h    
MOV AX, 4C00h
INT 21h
echo Seriously, man! Go pick up any good programming language!
trace("This is ActionScript -- this part at least.");
message(STATUS "This is CMake. Its not a programming language but...")
fmt.Println("This is go. Consider it -- its a great language! Don't know if its OK for games though.")
printfn "This is F#. Built on the .NET platform, it is a functional programming language. Use MonoGame with it and your good to go!"
std::cout << "Or you can drop to a low-level language like C++." << endl;
println!("Or you can use Rust.");
asm! {
.global printfunc
.asciz "This is ARM assembly. Don't try running this on an x86 processor. You could use this language if your insane enough. It is, you know, how we used to write games before C came along and ruined our 'fun'. (Not!) Well, I mean, X86 asm was the norm back then... but this works too."
.align 4
ldr r0, =message
bl printf
mov r7, #1
swi 0
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("This is Ada. I couldn't really wrap my head around it to make anything big with it, especially because of its need to separate specifications from bodies. Perhaps I'll give it a try again sometime. I have no idea if this language has gaming support -- it might though. It isn't exactly targetted at that audience but anythings possible if you look far enough.");
end main;

Of course, add on what 25 did. Its the language nightmare that will never be real! big_smile

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