Re: Things you really miss?

At Raycrote/Dark/Tward: I can't even begin to express how much I needed to hear that conversation.

Re: old tech: I miss Windows explorer not being bloated. Actually, I liked how with IE6, you could use the same window for the internet and for the file/folder explorer.
IE6 was fun as a gaming platform, but between it's security flaws and how incredibly IE6-specific most of the features were, doing as much with it as I did back in its day was probably counterproductive, in terms f developing development skill.
(Also wish I hadn't used so many arrays-as-dictionaries so I could port some of the better IE6/JS projects to BGT/Java/Python/anything that people can actually use nowadays.)

Misc things I really miss:

  • Swordclub! Having little unique audio ID tags on everyone would have made it so much easier to participate, but it was still pretty much the highlight of college.

  • Spider-man Cartoon Maker. It kinda broke on Windows XP (scenes would take forever to load, then would play absurdly quickly). I might still have that disk within a few feet of me, actually... (If anyone could make an accessible equivalent that works on modern operating systems, I might have to send them a man-sized chocolate bunny.).

Hm. Thought there would be more.


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