ability to block

I'll preface my suggestion here by saying that I have no idea how the AG's forum system works, so this may not even be a doable option, but I'll throw it in here for discussion and maybe for the mods/admins to consider. With the negativity that's clearly become an everyday occurrence not only here, but all over the internet, I think it's a good idea for us users to do what we can to help out the mods,, which is why I make this suggestion. From some of my browsing last night and today, I've come to the conclusion that a number of people often pick fights with each other in thread after thread, requiring the mods to constantly have to step in and calm things down or even issue warnings and bans for personal attacks. Is it possible for a script to be added to the forum for all users to use where a user, if they find themselves in frequent conflict battle with somebody else, can choose to set that person from being able to see their posts and vice versa? On the LotGD system I'm familiar with, and some of you may know what I'm thinking about, similar to the two-way chat ignore feature. Obviously, the less responsible users probably won't use it and will continue to run the mod staff ragged, but at least this way we users can at least take some of the pressure off the staff and deal with conflicts ourselves in a final and constructive way. Obviously, if this sort of system would be possible to code or otherwise plug into the forum system, admins and mods would have to be exempt from having such blocks placed upon them, as it would interfere with their modding duties, and we know the less responsible would abuse it in that way just to continue on their flame wars. wink Thoughts?

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