What happened with sudden attack?

First of all, I'm not on anyone's side here or trying to defend anyone. I just found out about this thing today so wanted to see if it was a clone or not, since as we all know mahdi's history on here isn't exactly clean.
So, while I was doing a little check of the forum just now, I found the topic. I had a quick little read through it, mostly just people asking weather or not it was a clone, but no real proofe from any side. Then I check any audio, some more recordings there too. It looked even then to be a clone, the tracking system was the exact same as in rs and tk, the minigame, etc. So I thought ok, I'll have a look into this to see if I can find out more. So I found the topic again just now, to find that it's closed and the link is gone. The only other link I found was from someone's any audio post, and it gives a 404 error. I'm also curious to know how liam could verrify it was a clone, most likely without access to the source code.
Again, I'm not trying to say that what the mod did was wrong or anything, and if proofe comes out that this thing really is a clone, then I'll be the first one telling liam he did a good job here. It just pisses me off how some people still don't like me because of things I've done in the past, and I don't want to be one of those.

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